Illinois Construction Strike

It is aggravating enough dealing with the poorly planned construction projects here in Illinois, now we have to tolerate a slowdown due to striking workers. They are making $50 to $68 per hour ($100K+ annual) and asking for more in a deep recession from a bankrupt state. This is what happens when necessary work is funneled through the government process and comes out the other end as a wasteful bloated mess. Our elected officials are blessing this malfeasance to but the union votes with our money.

Vote every single incumbent out now and every election going forward until this ends. Take care to be sure that when you throw the current bum out you are not replacing him / her with just another political hack who was waiting in the wings. The most important votes will continue to happen in the primaries. The last one produced hacks like Kirk and Gianoulias but we can still send the message this fall and in the future.


Pat Duggan with thanks to a friend for the story link.

Election Priorities and the Illinois Mess

There is not much to say about Mark Kirk. Anyone paying attention already knew that he was a phony and a typical politician; an opportunistic, flip-flopping RINO. The unanimous Democrat support for socialized health care in the Senate made our decision making process very clear: first we must vote out the Democrats for their disregard for the wishes of American voters, then remove all other incumbents of both parties as they were all complicit in creating the various components of our very big mess.

Our mission: Vote Kirk in to move us closer to a total repeal of Obamacare-then vote him out. It would be risky at best. Six years is a long time. Kirk was already not trustworthy. His “cap and trade” vote was inexcusable.

Now it has been revealed that Kirk lied and exaggerated his military record. Nice timing. In the wake of the Richard Blumenthal scandal this was already a hot topic. Both of them acted like weasels. Their actions were deplorable and showed poor character and judgment and their pathetic attempts to explain it all away showed an utter lack of class. We can thank Bill Clinton for making this an art form. Do these jerks know what it means to “take responsibility”? Clearly not. Real apologies do NOT include these phrases: ” I regret…” or “I am sorry if you were offended…”. Real apologies are simple and straightforward: I am sorry for what I did; I messed up; I resign; I am dropping out of the race.

What next? In a perfect world Kirk would drop from the race. This is not going to happen. The Illinois Republican party is too weak and disorganized to handle the choosing of a replacement candidate. Their last botched attempt brought us the ridiculous Alan Keyes and resulted in the election of Barack Obama. Thanks. Maybe the Democrats would agree to a “do over” so they could jettison their own wounded idiot Alexi Gianoulias? Wishful thinking.

So where are we now” ? The latest Rasmussen poll (HERE) shows Kirk leading 42% to 39%. This will be a bad summer for Democrats, especially in Illinois with the Blago trial. Gianoulias is a smarmy hack with odious connections to the corrupt organization that put Blago in office and laughingstock Roland Burris in the US Senate. Kirk can win. I will hold my nose and vote for him. I promised Karl Rove I would.

Kirk should handle this mess one last time. I suggest:

“Here is exactly what I did in the military. Anything else is retracted and I apologize for it. I take responsibility for all errors. I am not blaming my staff. Now let’s move on to the issues. As a Republican Senator I will support and vote for the full repeal of Obamacare and will work with the Republican party for fiscal responsibility and the repair of this economy. I will will work to move us back in the right direction which means moving back to a free market economy with minimal, sensible regulation and away from bailouts and cronyism. We have a a serious and mounting debt problem and the current administration and congress are making it worse. I hear the TEA party supporters loud and clear and I will demand that our government balance its budget as every business and household in this great nation already do.”

Vote him in-then vote him out. Hold his feet to the fire for his entire six years. This guy needs supervision.

Pat Duggan